- Hygieia, 2072inExhibits
- Emerge StorytimeinExhibits
- Lightening/Rapid TalksinExhibits
- ModLifeinExhibits
- Outdoor Film Screening: GatherinExhibits
- Something in the AirinExhibits
- Tasting History: Frybread, Culture, and National IdentityinEmerge&Exhibits
- Altering the Food Cycle: Climate Impacts of FoodinExhibits
- Humanities Lab: Food Justice for the Youth by the YouthinExhibits
- Cyfest at EmergeinExhibits
- Leonardo LASER ASU-CYLAND: FermentationinExhibits
- Citizen Science Kits at Your Library!inExhibits
- Improv Comedy and Food FuturesinExhibits
- Pixel PlateinExhibits
- Film Futures: Film Festival ScreeninginExhibits