
Emerge 2022 Research

The Emerge team aims to better understand the way collaborators work together to develop interdisciplinary presentations and performances; second, we aim to learn how audiences interpret such presentations; and third we aim to understand the relationship between the collaborations and the audience interpretations. Finally, because this event considers and asks audiences to consider the future, we would like to investigate the ways both presenters and audiences conceptualize the future.

This research draws on Megan Halpern’s prior research at the intersection of art and science along with the relationship between expert and audience, as well as on ideas about material deliberation and anticipatory governance. The research team will focus on three key concepts. First, the team will build on ideas about public engagement in science and technology, science communication, material deliberation, and participatory governance to build a more complete picture of the various ways publics can engage with and be engaged in discussions surrounding science and technology. Second, the study will focus on the ways presenters conceptualize their audiences, and the relationship between audience interpretations and presenter expectations. Finally, the study will focus on how we conceptualize and build narratives about imagined futures.

Data collection will include observations of performances, presentations, and activities during the public event. Observations will also entail photography and videorecording of the event. Photographs and video recordings will be coded based on pre-determined and emergent themes in relation to collaboration, perceptions of science and art, and learning from the event. Interviews will be conducted with presenters, performers, and audience members.

Participation in the study is voluntary. Any individual wishing to not participate in the study, but who would like to attend the festival, can get a yellow sticker at any information booth in the festival.

Additional questions about the research should be directed to the Principal Investigator, Dr. Christy Spackman, at christy.spackman@asu.edu