Research Study Workshop Opportunity: 2:00-3:00 p.m. or 4:00-5:00 p.m.
What exactly do we eat when we eat frybread? Come along and join Hope Peshlakai of Hope’s Frybread and Lindsay Kelley of the Australian National University to make and eat frybread together.
Tasting History is a four-year research project investigating wheat-based biscuits and breads, cultural heritage, and national identity.
Supported by ASU Emerge 2022 and the Mesa Arts Center, this workshop will be an opportunity to transmit cultural knowledge in new directions. Working in the kitchen together helps different cultures understand each other through the intelligence we carry in our hands and our stomachs.

Researchers at the Australian National University are seeking volunteer research participants to learn about the role of wheat-based breads and biscuits in understanding historical events and shaping contemporary national identities.
The study might be a good fit for you if you:
Self-identify as a baker or eater of frybread
The study might not be a good fit for you if you:
Have an allergy or other dietary restriction related to any of the ingredients used in frybread and are unable to eat the foods on offer.
Should you wish to participate by eating alternate foods that substitute for the case study foods, this would be a desirable outcome.
The following common allergens might be present in the kitchen: milk, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, and soybeans.
What would happen if I took part in the research study?
If you decide to take part in Tasting History, please respond to this invitation. The workshop should take approximately 1-2 hours to complete. Tasting food and discussing its taste and preparation will lead to a conversation about taste’s role in culture, politics, and history. After the workshop, you have the option to continue the conversation in a focus group. The follow up focus group should take a minimum 45 minutes to complete, with the possibility of speaking for additional time if agreeable.
Will I be paid to take part in the research study?
There are no additional costs associated with participation in this research study, nor will you be paid.
Who do I contact if I want more information or want to take part in the study?
If you would like more information or are interested in being part of the study, please contact:
Lindsay Kelley
Senior Lecturer
ANU Art & Design
+1 415 572 7158
+61 481 265 289