About: JoeyEschrich
Posts by JoeyEschrich:
- Video: Bruce Sterling Update from TurininAnnouncement&Multimedia
- Video: Exploring The Future of MeinAnnouncement&Multimedia
- Emerge: A Spectacular Week of Events March 3-7inAnnouncement
- Brad Allenby: The End of the Self?inAnnouncement&Commentaries
- The Machine Stops Without YouinMultimedia&Performances and Magic
- Progress Report: Bruce Sterling’s My Future Frontier / Mi Futura FronterainAnnouncement&Reportage
- You and the Computer You’re WearinginPerformances and Magic
- Quadcopter Pilot Recruitment is UnderwayinAnnouncement&Reportage
- Quadcopter Pilots Needed for Emerge on March 7!inAnnouncement&Commentaries