
Digital Tabernacle Photo Stream
During their Digital Tabernacle performance at Emerge 2014: The Carnival of the Future, ministers Marcel O’Gorman and Ron Broglio donned Autographer lifelogging cameras hacked to look like crosses. The cameras automatically snapped still photos

Lance Gharavi: An Aerialist, Two Clowns, and a Robot Walk Into a Carnival
What do engineering and theatre have in common? They share a focus on performance – the performance of materials, technologies, processes and systems, argues Lance Gharavi, an associate professor in ASU’s

Marcel O’Gorman: Confessing Digital Sins
Do you sleep with your smartphone under your pillow? Play Candy Crush during class? Fail to return text messages from your family and friends? If you have digital sins to

David Rothenberg: How To Make Music With Drones
What’s the best way to make music with drones? According to David Rothenberg, an experimental musician, professor of philosophy and music, and visiting artist for Arizona State University’s Emerge 2014: The

Ed Finn: The Outsourced Self
We are increasingly outsourcing our identities to computers and algorithms, argues Ed Finn, Director of ASU’s Center for Science and the Imagination and Assistant Professor in the School of Arts, Media and Engineering and
Bruce Sterling: Using Art to Cross Borders
Life gets intensely personal at national borders, writes Bruce Sterling, science fiction author, design critic and our very own Visionary in Residence at ASU’s Center for Science and the Imagination. In a

Brad Allenby: The End of the Self?
Human selfhood isn’t about essence, argues ASU’s Brad Allenby, Lincoln Professor of Engineering and Ethics and one of the co-directors of Emerge. It’s about information. We are an information-processing species;
What Should We Do?
What does Emerge have to do with ethics? The question came up today, because the Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics is one of our major partners. The answer can’t be

Quadcopter Pilots Needed for Emerge on March 7!
Emerge needs 5 volunteers to learn how to remotely fly quadcopters for our event on Friday, March 7th, as part of a performance combining aerial drones, experimental music and projection

Dancers, Industrial Robots and Aerial Rigs
Do you have any idea how complicated it is to figure out how to rig an aerial trapeze inside a circus tent? On a rubble-strewn vacant lot in downtown Phoenix?
Michael Burnam-Fink’s Emerge2013 Retrospective
by: Michael Burnam-Fink The past weekend saw EMERGE 2013 at ASU. The theme was “The Future of Truth”, and there was a level of carnival creativity rarely seen in the rather stolid
Kraig Farkash: Emerge is … a reengineered petri dish whose occupancy willingly entered its confines by fearlessly climbing to its upmost edge and jumping in headfirst
“What better way to celebrate the sciences and the arts while facilitating their potential for the advancement of human kind than Emerge?”

Welcome to the Future of Truth
Dawn has risen over the desert flatlands and industrial hardscapes of the Valley of the Sun and Emerge 2013 is about to begin. We have gathered some of the world’s
Is It Time To Take Cyborg Rights Seriously? A Q&A With Neil Harbisson.
By Torie Bosch Neil Harbisson can “hear” the orange (the color, that is) Photo by Dan Wilton This article arises from Future Tense, a partnership of Slate, the New America Foundation, and
Cyborg Roaches, Glow-in-the-Dark Fish, and Other Biotechnology Beasts
By Emily Anthes | Posted Monday, Feb. 25, 2013, at 10:34 AM A remote-controlled flying flower beetle.Photo courtesy Michel Maharbiz. This article arises from Future Tense, a partnership of Slate, the New America Foundation,