Video: Dancing with Baxter
This morning we visited a rehearsal at ASU’s Department of Film, Dance and Theatre with aerialists, dancers and the Baxter industrial robot. Can ASU theatre professor Lance Gharavi and robotics
Video: Bruce Sterling Update from Turin
Bruce Sterling and his collaborators at the Turin Maker Lab have been hard at work on their Emerge project, “My Future Frontier/Mi Futura Frontera.” Take a peek behind the scenes!
Video: Exploring The Future of Me
Are we on the verge of the triumph of the individual? Will the future be dominated by systems where self-determination is only a memory? Or, inevitably, is something more complicated

Emerge: A Spectacular Week of Events March 3-7
The Carnival of the Future Friday, March 7, 6:00 – 11:00 pm Downtown Phoenix: 3rd Street and Garfield Street Learn more at Must See Monday: Ed Finn presents “News

Brad Allenby: The End of the Self?
Human selfhood isn’t about essence, argues ASU’s Brad Allenby, Lincoln Professor of Engineering and Ethics and one of the co-directors of Emerge. It’s about information. We are an information-processing species;

Drone Dispatch: Trouble in Mechanical Paradise
Emerge 2014 is all about who we are in relation to technology and our environment. It’s a glance deeply inward, as well as an analysis of our changing human and

Progress Report: Bruce Sterling’s My Future Frontier / Mi Futura Frontera
Science fiction legend and Emerge spiritual leader Bruce Sterling is hard at work with collaborators from the Turin Maker Lab on his project, “My Future Frontier/Mi Futura Frontera,” which explores

When Our Most Physically Articulate Humans and Our Most Physically Articulate Robots Perform Together
Our man Baxter is supposedly the world’s first industrial robot capable of being taught to dance by two clowns and an aerialist. We shall see if this is true inside

Quadcopter Pilot Recruitment is Underway
Spotted in the halls of ASU’s Digital Culture program: Uncle Sam Needs You…to fly a quadcopter at Emerge. If you’re interested in gaming and want to be quadcopter pilot on

Quadcopter Pilots Needed for Emerge on March 7!
Emerge needs 5 volunteers to learn how to remotely fly quadcopters for our event on Friday, March 7th, as part of a performance combining aerial drones, experimental music and projection
Corner Convenience, Julian Bleecker & Nick Foster are Back!
“If you were stuck in an apocalyptic shell of a world, would you rather have an iPad 3 or a BiC lighter?” This was one of the questions Julian Bleecker of
ASU’s Emerge to showcase vibrant fusion of arts, technology, visionary thinking
The inaugural Emerge at Arizona State University in 2012 included “Immerge,” a performance-art presentation that was part carnival, part theater and part digital wizardry. It featured such characters as The
Emerge 2013 is coming
Mark your calendars. Emerge 2013 will be here in March.