
Luna City Debate

Living and thriving on the Moon is a difficult proposition. Not only will off-world pioneers face the unique challenges of resource scarcity and physiological deficiencies brought about by the lunar environment, but human desires and foibles will ride-along on rocket ship, no matter how far we go. This was the focus of the Luna City Town Hall, a signature performance amid the Emerge 2018 experience. Audiences were invited to attend a political debate between two factions of Luna City residents, moderated by Eric Molinsky, host of the Imaginary Worlds podcast. In this stirring, live debate Molinsky, playing a fictional (and future) version of himself, discussed the merits and potential dangers of collectivism versus individualism on the Moon with talented improvisers Camille Hartmetz and Jose Gonzalez. Eric kindly published the entire debate as a podcast episode which can be heard at Imaginary Worlds.