
Dancers, Industrial Robots and Aerial Rigs

Do you have any idea how complicated it is to figure out how to rig an aerial trapeze inside a circus tent? On a rubble-strewn vacant lot in downtown Phoenix? Because that’s what our Emerge dancers want? These are the performers who are teaching our industrial robot, Baxter, how to dance. They are not to be confused with the set of performers who are creating a symphonic duet with our four choreographed, flying, talking, singing quadracopter robots? And oh, by the way, how do you make sure the drones don’t hit the trapeze rig? Mark your calendar: March 7th is the third annual “Emerge: Artists + Scientists Redesign the Future” event. Our theme this year is “The Future of Me.” Y’all come!   Image courtesy of Steve Jurvetson, used under a Creative Commons license. Thanks Steve!